HI. I'm Muneeb

You can find my resume here.

And my portfolio here.

Check here for my job experience.

I'm a professional game developer currently working for Bricksol in Pakistan.

I adore video games, and I love working on projects that seem outlandish. See Project Gaslight and Flashpoint for example.

I like to think of myself as tool agnostic, as in I should be able to get a project done in anything as long as it is possible. But I specialize in:

  • Unreal Engine (Blueprints | AngelScript | C++)
  • Backend Development (Rust (Warp) | JavaScript (Express | NestJS))
  • Frontend Development (React | NextJS | ThreeJS)
  • Databases (PostgreSQL | MongoDB)
  • Cloud Development (AWS | Azure)
  • App Development (Rust (Tauri) | JavaScript (Capacitor | Cordova))